With Industry 4.0 initiatives underway, you’ll often hear about advanced manufacturing initiatives that company leaders want to implement to remain competitive in an increasingly unpredictable environment. Over the past few years, a host of technological developments have disrupted the old ways of manufacturing and demanded advanced manufacturing leadership to continuously critique the way operations are currently managed. While digital transformation of factories continues, leadership, clear vision and constant improvement are essential to managing this disruption, so it becomes a competitive advantage instead of just another task to check off. Learn more about why adopting advanced manufacturing is critical to staying competitive in the manufacturing environment.

Adopting Advanced Manufacturing 

Cutting-edge advancements have broken down walls to improve connectivity and enhance communication on the floor. They’ve empowered leaders to lift critical insights about processes, systems, operations, quality and safety out of a sea of data constantly coming in from an array of digital technology integrations. Digital transformation has turned hundreds of hours-long processes into activities that take moments. All of this requires advanced manufacturing leadership to make the most of the benefits available. Leaders on all levels (including workers themselves) who dive in and learn how to use all of this data and technology are driving their companies to entirely new heights. 

The time to adopt Industry 4.0 is definitely today. In fact, BCG conducted a study recently, examining surveys of high-level, U.S.-based manufacturing leaders and found that almost three quarters of executives plan to invest in advanced marketing innovations over the next five years. Only a tiny percentage are still on the fence, or not considering digital transformation. 

Challenges for Advanced Manufacturing Leadership

The manufacturing world stands on the cusp of change. The very art and science of how things are manufactured is changing, and needs to change dramatically, in the next few years. Advanced manufacturing leadership will require innovations that bring materials science, sustainability, bioengineering, and a host of other sciences into their factories, so they can find new ways to significantly alleviate environmental impacts and push boundaries.

On top of that pressing concern, competition is always a key driver for leadership. Leaders can never forget that other businesses are also striving to find new solutions and better ways to make processes more efficient. To stay competitive, agile and relevant, advanced manufacturing leadership that brings technological innovation to the fore is absolutely essential. From waste elimination, recycling and reuse of materials, autonomous robotics, materials engineering and digital transformation of operations and processes, leaders must use the data to drive constant improvement. 

Advanced Manufacturing To Stay Competitive

Manufacturers that have already started to implement Industry 4.0 and advanced manufacturing technologies in their operations are seeing the benefits today. One of the most revolutionary functions is by using virtualization to create digital factory simulations that empower engineers to optimize processes, layout, foresee flaws and eliminate them, and streamline product modeling and production quality. This lowers manufacturing costs and enables duplication of successful factory layouts in multiple locations, which brings the following four benefits: 

1. Higher Quality

Applying digital innovation can help operations managers wield data to stop quality problems before they appear, while also boosting quality and lowering costs simultaneously. 

2. New Innovations

With new ways to draw precious insights out of mountains of data throughout the factory, customer feedback and more, new ideas for products that can now be made more cost effectively, and even with greater customization for individual customers. 

3. Faster Production Time

The ability to harness data better through digital transformation also enables leaders to streamline production processes and lines across the board, saving time and money along the way. 

4. Enhanced Worker Safety and Engagement

Advanced manufacturing is also safer manufacturing. By automating hazardous processes and scanning incoming data for potential hazards before they hurt anyone, workers are safer. Digital and mobile communications tools also help workers and supervisors communicate more effectively, which increases worker engagement in the key processes they’re involved with. 

Anvl Can Assist Advanced Manufacturing Leadership

Anvl can assist as you step up your advanced manufacturing leadership initiatives toward digital transformation. We have a solution that can boost safety, quality and operations and lead you on the path to successful Industry 4.0. Click here to watch our demo and contact us to discuss your needs with one of our experts today.