During this age of digital transformation and a shift to move off of paper forms, businesses may feel overwhelmed to digitize every process across multiple systems, and ultimately leadership may not entirely understand how these systems fully operate. With such a big jump from paper to digital, functional areas like quality or safety may suffer. However, increasing safety on the job with a digital shift does not have to be this complicated or over whelming. Ask yourself: Is your organization willing to commit to increasing safety on the job? If so, that’s the first step to increasing worker safety in your business. The second step – implementing the right data-driven solution. So, how do you identify the right solution?

The right solution can scale

This is key – does your digital tool work with your other systems, or does it serve as an ‘additional step’ for workers? So, it’s important that any solution you look at not cannot only scale in terms of how many users can be on the platform at once, but also the interoperability associated with that solution? Can that solution plug in and integrate with your existing technology and software applications so that this data can be transmitted and rolled up into an applied in a more global fashion? Digital solutions like Anvl can integrate with other tools and systems in order to make work faster, more efficient, and ultimately safer.

The right solution is data-driven

Secondly, does the solution have the capability to do modern analytics associated with the new information? With the capability to integrate and scale with all systems, you should be capturing rich contextual information. How is that platform allowing you to analyze information that is happening in the moment, as well as over time? It’s important that the solution you implement provides analytics and insights that help you continuous improve safety at your company.

The right solution yields high ROI

Lastly, how are you going to measure success? What is the ROI? There are long term benefits as it relates to insurance and reducing recordable injury rates. But, that’s not something that you’re going to see inside of six months – this will take years to observe. So, in the immediate term, what is the ROI? Is the ROI simply for you to be able to capture this? Success lays purely based on the ability to know what you didn’t know before. That is where the value in these digital solutions lies – uncovering the unknown.

Anvl, the right solution

Anvl is the Connected Worker platform that enables today’s leaders to better prepare, protect, and inspect how work gets done. Made for real work environments – our platform is fully configurable to work exactly how your business needs it to. To learn more about Anvl, click here and talk to one of our experts.